Willie Nelson and Kris Kristofferson’s new movie “A Pair of Aces” will begin filming early next month in Austin, Texas. Producers are seeking numerous extras for various scenes; those in their 40s with clean shaven faces are of particular interest according to Helen Griffiths of Third Coast Casting; extras will receive $40 daily pay.

Three of a kind is the sixth highest poker hand, comprised of three cards of equal rank that form an identical sequence. Three of a kind outranks any two-pair hand but does not surpass full house, straight flush or four of a kind hands in terms of overall strength.

A full house is defined as any hand consisting of three matching cards and two supporting cards, such as three sevens and two tens (commonly known as a boat). When playing poker with community cards, a full house always beats any other pair of cards, though aces-fulls cannot be defeated by other types of full houses.

Three of a Kind (three cards that match) is an essential hand in poker games, yet it isn’t the strongest hand available. To win with it you need a high kicker; an additional card which makes your three a Kind rank above other hands in terms of value.

Four of a Kind in Poker: the highest ranked pair hand. Consisting of four identical cards such as four queens, it beats all other pair hands as well as straights and flushes; however it does not beat full houses or royal flushes.

Straights are hands composed of five cards in sequential order, such as 7-6-5-4-3. When two players hold identical straights, the one with higher cards typically wins; for instance, a Jack-high straight beats five-high straights.

A Flush is a five-card hand of identical suits that ranks from High (above King) to Low (below 2) depending on its suit. Only Straight Flush can surpass it as a winning hand.

Straight Flush: If two players possess identical Straight Flush cards, whichever has the higher kicker will win; for instance a four of clubs with an Ace beats four of diamonds with a Jack.